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Exciting News!

Apr 24, 2022

To this day, I refuse to buy a Kindle. It would be ridiculously convenient to use that fancy little e-reader while traveling with six kids, but its never happening.

There’s something special, even magical, about holding and reading a real book. Whether turning the page feels like a fresh start or the weight of the book just feels like a small treasure that was written just for me, books are powerful.

I’ve always loved books and am excited to tell you that I’m writing a book that you’ll be able to hold in your hot little hands very soon! 

In this book I’ll be sharing all my tips, strategies, coaching exercises and ideas that will help you handle everything from trips to the doctor’s office, to school lunch monitors to body image. The book is full of additional resources and is the guide I wish I had when my kids were born about how to handle and what to say about all things food and body.

What should you say and not say at the dinner table? I've got you. 
What should you do if you're worried your child might have disordered eating? I've got you.  
What should you do if all your friends are doing The Biggest Loser? I've got you. 
What should you do if your kid starts hiding food? I've got you. 

I'm thrilled to share this book with you soon and would love for you to send me any burning questions you want to make sure that I answer in this book. What do you wonder about when it come to your kids and food? Please, tell me!

One more fun fact, this is actually my second book! My first book was a love letter to my kids about all the lessons I've learned and all the things that I want them to know about life and how much I love them. My incredibly talented and kind editor, Alexandra Franzen, wrote this email (included below) about the book we wrote together. If you're interested in writing, you must get to know Alex and sign up for her upcoming Tiny Book Course. She's one of the most wonderful humans you'll ever meet, I promise!

Skip to the bottom if you want to sign up now to get some online support from me in either ditching diets for good or yoga or read below for some book inspiration. 

When Andrea emailed me, she told me, "I want to write a book. Can I hire you to help?"  

I said, "Sure. Tell me more. What are your goals for this project?"

Normally when I ask this question, clients tell me:

"I want to hit The New York Times bestseller list."

"I want my book to reach as many readers as possible." 

"I want to parlay my book into a speaking career. I see myself doing a TEDTalk."

Those goals are very exciting and worthy of pursuit. 

But Andrea told me something different.

She said, "It's not a book that I want to share publicly. Actually, it's a book for my kids."

She explained, "I want to write a book of love letters and advice for my children. I want to share everything I've learned about life so far. All the values I want them to carry forward."

She continued, "One day, after I am gone, my kids will be able to keep this book. They can read it whenever they're stressed or uncertain about what to do. They will always be able to hear mama's voice. They will know that I am close."

By this point, I was sobbing and told Andrea, "I'm in."

Over the next several months, Andrea poured her immense love into this project. It became a very long book. She had a lot to say — and she said it beautifully.

She has six kids, runs a small business, and has a very busy schedule. She found pockets of time to write in between school drop-offs, packing lunches, and wiping sticky little fingers and faces.

She was a woman on a mission — resolutely determined to finish this book. No matter what. No excuses. Nothing would stop her. 

I advised her, edited the manuscript, and helped bring the project to completion. I urged her to record an audiobook, too, so her kids could read the printed book and listen to her voice speaking aloud. 

Her book is done.

What an incredible gift to impart to these kids. More than a book. It's a legacy. 

I've worked on hundreds of writing and publishing projects over the last decade. Quite a few of my clients have become best-sellers, award-winners, internationally recognized for their contributions. That's always wonderful to see.

But my favorite project of the last decade? 

Andrea's book. Hands down.

. . .   

To whoever is reading this, this is what I want you to know:

Something doesn't necessarily need to be a best-seller (or massively financially successful) in order to be remarkable and important.

The most meaningful project of your life might also be the quietest or most private. 

It is okay to do an art project that is exclusively for your neighborhood, your family, or kids.

It is okay to do a project that is just for you, for your own personal healing and growth. 

Your big project matters.

Your tiny project matters. 

It all matters. 


PS. The woman mentioned in this story is Andrea Dow. Why not send her a personal message and let her know, "Your story inspired me. Congratulations on writing a book."

PPS. You'd love to write a book for your kids — just like Andrea did? Check out this workbook (no cost) with tips on how to write a Legacy Book. My business partner, Lindsey Smith, and I created this workbook for you. We hope you love it. 

PPPS. You wrote a rough draft of your book and you're wondering, "Okay, now what?" Consider hiring my company, Get It Done, for book production services. To get started, fill out the New Client Form to introduce yourself. We'll reply to discuss the next steps.

Get It Done provides editing, proofreading, cover design, layout, publishing, and print-on-demand services for you. We take your messy Word document and turn it into an actual, finished book. 

At the end of the process, you have a beautiful book that you're proud to share.

You can sell your book online, get it featured in libraries and bookstores, or (like Andrea) you can keep your book "private" and share it with just a few people, like your kiddos. Whatever you want to do, Get It Done makes it happen.

Check out our services. Let's take your book vision and make it a reality. 

PPPPS. Gentle reminder and PSA: Mother's Day is coming up soon: Sunday, May 8, 2022. Don't forget to reach out to your mom (or, someone who represents "mom" to you) and shower her with praise, gratitude, and love. 



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