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COVID chaos

Aug 31, 2020
“They’re throwing rocks at our window!” my daughters screamed. “Make them stooooop!”
5 minutes later.
“Moooooomeeeee! I have to go poopies” shouted my three year old.
10 minutes later.
“What are we doing today?” whined my daughter.
20 minutes later.
“She hit me!”
“No he hit me first!”
“Well she pinched me!”
“Well he’s annoying!!!”
30 minutes later.
“Is it lunchtime yet?”
Baby chimed in with her newfound screeching while I check my watch.
It was 10am.
Sound familiar? 
It’s almost a wrap on what felt like a very different summer. Reflecting back on the last three months, one thing was clear. I needed more time and energy than ever to keep our ship sailing through the COVID seas.
In my dieting days, I would’ve failed at handling these constant demands. I would’ve been distracted, tired, undernourished and generally not really there in the moment to help my family. I would've been headed downstream to diet land where I would have busied myself with counting. 
How many times a day do you catch yourself counting calories or carbs? Calculating calories burned during your Peleton ride or your hundredth walk around the block? Measuring out your alternative “healthier” dinner of salad and steamed chicken? 

I bet it's more time than you care to admit. And I bet you're not showing up how you'd like for your family. 
This fall promises to be even busier with a mix of online, in person and homeschooling happening at our house. I’m going to need all the time and energy I can possibly get along with the ability to stay present. My guess is you're going to need to the same. 
Don't be fooled into thinking that a diet will be the answer to all the COVID chaos. Diets don't work and can be dangerous. 
Instead, I want you to make sure you're getting enough to eat, enough sleep, enough deep breaths during the day to calm your nervous system. Journal, call or zoom a friend, and acknowledge that things are hard and nobody's perfect. 
Sailing the COVID seas is a giant lesson in imperfection. There'll be many times that it feels like someone is throwing rocks at your sail. That's fine. You won't be wasting your time in diet land counting, measuring and fixating.
You'll be ready to re-direct your sail and watch the rocks land in the water. 
PS. This September, get ready to learn how you can sail right out of the diet waterways. Hit reply if you want the details! 



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