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90% or 10%?

Aug 21, 2023

What percentage would you guess that your diet contributes to your health? 

What about exercise? 

What about diet and exercise combined?

Maybe 50%, 75% or even 90%? 

Get ready for the jaw dropping answer. 

It's a whopping 10%. That's right, ONLY 10% of your health is affected by DIET AND EXERCISE combined. Now don't get me wrong, 10% isn't nothing, but it's certainly not the 90% that we're lead to believe through countless ads, social media, news articles, magazines, and more. The largest contributor to our health is called social determinants of health. I write in detail about what these are in my book. 70% of these factors are largely out of our control (think genetics and environment) and the remaining 30% is broken up into 10% for diet and exercise and 20% for lifestyle factors like how much you sleep and if you smoke or drink. 

Let these numbers really sink in. Diet and exercise contribute 10% to your overall health. Maybe just knowing this will help you relax a little bit more around food and go easy when you miss a day, or two or ten or twenty of exercise.  

I have a lot more to tell you about in my book. If you love what you read here every Monday, I know you're going to love the book! Here's one more plug from my fabulous editor, Kayla Floyd.

I ripped open the box like a kid tearing through their presents on Christmas morning. As I peeled back the cardboard, I gasped in delight. Running my hand across the cover I felt tears puddle in my eyes.

The book opened with a crack, and that fresh-from-the-printer smell whooshed across my face. I flipped through the table of contents and lingered on the first few paragraphs of the introduction. I knew the words by heart, but seeing it bound hit differently. 

I have edited so many projects over the years for countless people, but holding this book felt like holding one of my own. I memorized the feeling in that exact moment...

The pride of seeing my name in print.

The satisfaction of holding something I'd worked so hard on.

The honor of knowing I had at least a small part in bringing a message into the world I feel so passionately about. 

What are you waiting for?! CLICK HERE TO GET YOUR COPY TODAY!


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