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How can I take the best care of myself today?

Jun 03, 2019



How can I take the best care of myself today?

One of my all-time favorite questions—a question I try to ask myself daily, and a question I encourage my clients to ask themselves, too—is this one:

“How can I take the best care of myself today?”

It’s a far cry from what I used to ask myself during my disordered eating days, which was usually more like, “If I eat XYZ, will this help me maintain my current weight or make me fat?”

Back in those days—when I used to believe that “thin is good and special” and “fat is bad and unacceptable”—I didn’t feel very good about myself. I would swing between two extremes: meticulously restricting my food and then binge eating and feeling out of control. I thought I was pursuing “health,” but my behavior was far from healthy.  

After a great deal of education—primarily, learning about Intuitive Eating and Health At Every Size—along with coaching and self-acceptance, I’m no longer focused on shrinking/changing/manipulating the size of my body. Instead, I’m focused on taking care of myself and feeling good. I know. What a concept! Actually feeling good.

Nowadays, I do a variety of things that help me to feel good. I move regularly. I practice yoga. I make time for my friends and family. I eat fruits, vegetables, protein, fat, and carbohydrates. I journal and coach myself regularly. I seek support when I need help. I like to balance my blood sugar by having enough protein and fat at my meals and snacks and getting some cardio exercise.

Again, I’m not making these choices because I want to force my body to look a certain way. I’m making these choices because these are the choices that help me, personally, to feel good—mentally and physically. Because for as long as I’m living inside this body, I want to feel as comfortable as possible. Comfortable—and strong and energized, too, so that I have enough stamina to run around after our five kids.

I have a little assignment for you:
How can I take the best care of myself today?

At least three times during the next twenty-four hours, ask yourself:

“How can I take the best care of myself today?”  

Keep coming back to this question. Ask. Tune in. Listen to your body. Let your body tell you exactly what she craves, how she wants to move, how she wants to be treated, and how to help her feel so, so good.

(Your body says “thank you” in advance for asking… and listening.)

PS. Here’s a calming song that always inspires me to get quiet and still... and turn inward.



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