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Are you eating enough?

Sep 02, 2019


Back in the days when I used to obsessively track and resist my food intake, I spent a lot of time worrying about eating “too much.” 

In those days, I felt very preoccupied with eating “just the right amount.” Not too much. Just enough.  

Just enough to not be uncomfortably hungry. 

Just enough to get through the day. 

Just enough to maintain my weight and never gain an ounce.

Just enough to adhere to what’s recommended for a woman of my height and age according to the U.S. Federal Government Food Pyramid Guidelines, or some other chart I found in a book or pamphlet or on someone’s blog.

Nowadays, I understand the amount I used to eat was not enough. 

Not even close.  

It was not enough to satisfy my physical hunger needs.   

It was not enough to be satiated emotionally, either.

It was not enough. Period. 

Now, I allow myself to have enough.  

I no longer rely on charts, pyramids, plans, books or so-called dietary experts. I trust my own body instead.

How do I know that I’m eating enough?

I know it’s enough because I don’t actually think about food very much —other than when I’m hungry, or deciding what I’m making for dinner. 

I know it’s enough because I have way more energy than I used to. 

I know it’s enough because the way I eat, and how much, is different every day. There’s no rigidity.

Most of all, I know it’s enough because I have so much more time to do things that matter in my life. Rather than ruminating about food, my energy is freed up to focus on other things. Things like…Writing. Creative projects around the house. Serving my clients. Being fully present with my kids. 

If thoughts about food dominate your day, that’s a cue that you’re probably not eating as much as you need. 

Instead of referring to a chart to determine if you’re eating enough, refer to yourself. Your own feelings of both physical and emotional satiation. The rumbling in your stomach. Your energy levels. These are the signals to notice. 

Charts and carbs and calories really tell you nothing. Your body tells you everything.

Are you eating enough?  



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