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Are You Winning?

Nov 09, 2020

Our sons crowded around the living room jockeying for the best spot to see the action. 

A variety of shouts followed: 
"Who's winning?"
"How many points do they have?"
"Yes, c'mon, let's goooooo!" 

They weren't watching their favorite sports team. 

They were watching election results. 
As the states lit up red, red, blue, red, blue......they couldn't stand the suspense. 
"C'mon blue, let's do this. Yes!!!!!"

As the results trickled in, it reminded me of how often we label the way we eat as winning or losing. We track our points or calories throughout the day and if we successfully stay within our allotted amount, we've "won" the day. 

We think to ourselves, "yes, I didn't eat that brownie!" or "yes, I'm feeling hungry and forcing myself not to eat so that means I'm doing well!"

I don't remember an exact day that I stopped judging my success based on what I had (or hadn't) eaten, but I know my life dramatically changed once I stopped this senseless game. 

The diet game is an exhausting and tedious game. Even if you proclaim yourself winner for the day, failure is lurking around the corner next week, next month or next year. Even if you're "winning" in the short term, you'll likely never arrive on the middle podium. You'll never be enough. 

It came to a point where I'd had enough of my life feeling like it was dictating by numbers and calories and points. I finally learned that the real success in life comes in letting go of the idea that there's even any sort of game to win when it comes to food and body. 

You're here, You're worthy and lovable no matter your size. You can eat whatever you want.

Game over. Everybody gets a trophy, just like my son's kindergarten soccer league.  

Peace Out Diets is going to show you how to give up the dieting game for good. You'll stop obsessing about food and your body and have time to play at games that really matter to you. Even if it's connecting with your kids over a board game after dinner. You'll actually be playing the game instead of calculating your day's caloric wins or losses. 

Many of you reached of to me and said, YES!, I need Peace Out Diets, BUT times are tough and I just can't swing it right now. 

This work is so important to me and I want to get this information to as many people as possible so for the next few days, I'm offering a new version of Peace Out Diets. 

Self get all 40 audio lessons plus 20 + journaling prompts to deepen your understanding of the material. Work at your own pace!
3 BONUS CALLS LIVE....we'll chat once a month in November, December and January. Live support to get you through the holidays and the New Year new you crap. You're not going to fall for that this year. 

The price is beyond a bargain. An early black Friday sale. 

Make this your win for today. It'll be worth every penny. 
Our kids are cheering for you..."Yes, c'mon, let's goooooo!"
CLICK HERE to sign up!


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