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Can you be "healthy" and "fat"?

Apr 22, 2019

                              Can you be "healthy" and "fat"?

For the first several decades of my life, I believed something that was… completely untrue.

I believed that being thin = healthy and being fat = unhealthy.

In my mind, back then, it was black and white. If you’re thin, then you’re in good health. Thin people are healthy and fat people are not. Plain and simple. The end.  

Later, after discovering the Health At Every Size movement—and after educating myself about what “health” really means—I realized I’d been embarrassingly mistaken.

Here’s what I understand nowadays:

* You can be thin... and be unhealthy.

For instance, you can be thin and smoke constantly, drink excessively, lead a sedentary lifestyle, and isolate yourself at home, rarely connecting with your community. Sure, you’re skinny. But do you feel healthy and strong? Are you likely to lead a long, vibrant life? Sadly, no.

* You can be fat... and be healthy.

For instance, you can have a larger body, move often, have strong muscles and bones, have great cardiovascular endurance (fat people run marathons all the time!), and lead an active, full, beautiful life filled with people and experiences that you love.

You can be healthy at every size.

You can also be unhealthy at every size.

It’s startling that it took me literally DECADES to grasp these concepts. But now that I’ve seen the light, I want to spread the light to as many people as I can reach.

If you have a sibling, sister, daughter, aunt, or friend who believes—as I used to—that becoming skinnier is required for health, happiness, and a long lifespan, please share this article with her. Tell her, “See? Check this out. Read this. You can be mentally and physically healthy at every size. You can be kind to yourself and take good care of yourself at every size. ” Then give her a hug and tell her, “I love you and I hope you love you, too.”

Self-respect at every size. Health at every size. Love at every size.

Spread the word.

PS. I love this song because it celebrates how AMAZING it is to be alive and how beauty, strength, and health comes in EVERY size!



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