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Channeling Your Woo-Woo

Oct 02, 2023

My daughter texted me from school with a desperate plea for help. 

She couldn't make up her mind about a school decision and was beside herself. 


Except, I didn't swoop in and tell her what to do. She knew what she thought would be right for her and I wanted her to practice trusting her gut or hut (heart +gut). 

"You've got this. I will support you 100% either way," I replied.

I wasn't worried because she knows how to make decisions and it's not from a way you'd traditionally consider. Every day for 4-6 times a day she's choosing what she wants to eat. Even with having meals prepared for her at school and home, she's still choosing what and how much she wants on her plate. 

I don't hover over her asking her if she's sure she wants to eat something or suggest she might not really be hungry and just bored or tell her that a particular food choice is garbage. I don't want to erode her body's intuition when it comes to food or any other decision, for that matter. A sure fire way to disconnect anyone from their body is to tell them what, how much and when they need to eat. It's dangerous to restrict calories and parents are in a powerful position in terms of helping kids have a positive relationship with food and their body. I just listened to Jennette McCurdy's memoir called, I'm Glad My Mom Died, which talks about the calorie counting her mom taught her to do at age 11. As an adult, and with the help of a therapist, she reflects back on this severe restriction and realizes it was a form of abuse. 

Being able to check in with your body, and reply to your needs is the very muscle you need to strengthen in order to build confidence and be able to make sound decisions in other areas of your life. These aren't just decisions about food, but decisions from everything to middle school dilemmas to middle-aged challenges. It's a skill you and your kids use every day. 

I get it. I fall into the trap of believing that it would be a lot easier for someone else to just tell you what to do to ensure the perfect career, body, or relationship, but being on your own life journey means you have to figure things out for yourself. 

You don't need anyone to tell you what to do with your life or your food. The answers are deep within. Consider yourself your own very inner woo-woo complete with built-in incense, long flowy skirts and tarot cards. Start flexing that intuitive muscle by deciding for yourself (not according to what the latest diet guru is preaching) what to put on your plate. 



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