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Emily RANTajkowski

Jan 22, 2024

Emily Ratakjowski, model, author and podcaster, is next up in the line of celebrities saying and doing ridiculously fatphobic things. She posted a series of pictures on her Instagram from M Magazine and one of the pictures shows her standing in one leg of a pair of jeans that are several sizes too large for her very petite body. 

Think biggest loser, Jenny Craig or any other weight loss add showing someone holding up their "before" size jeans. 

What message does this convey other than blatant fatphopbia? Apparently the artistic director for this shoot has used baggy clothes before, but nothing to this extreme. Are the big pants supposed to accentuate her smallness? Do they show that being her size is healthy? Are they trying to continue promoting the ideal thin, white female? 

EmRata, as she's affectionately called, WROTE A BOOK ABOUT FEMINISM AND BODY EMPOWERMENT. The image posted hardly reflects her so-called body positive messaging and she has yet to have any kind of response to the anti-fat backlash. Not to mention that people in bigger bodies actually struggle to find clothing that fits.

This is not fashion. This is blatant fatphobia. 

Whether it's EmRata or Oprah, all of their messages and images continually make it harder to avoid the urge to lose weight and perpetuate the message that weight loss is and should be possible. They're millionaires/billionaires still subject to living in our fatphobic world which is rooted in anti-blackness so their actions aren't surprising, just disappointing. 

Ladies, CAN WE PLEASE USE YOUR CELEBRITY POWER FOR BETTER MESSAGING? Because weight loss doesn't work for the vast majority of people and is mentally and physically demanding in the process.  

Click HERE to buy my book! 
It will help you avoid the urge to get pulled back into diet culture's very sticky jaws.  



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