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Gone Too Soon...

Nov 13, 2023

Sometimes you get news that makes time stand still and feels like someone has pulled the rug out from underneath you.

This past week our family received terrible news that my 49 year old cousin passed away after battling cancer for four long years. Even though we knew she wouldn't be with us forever, we were shattered to learn she was gone. She was one of my first best friends and remained close to me for over four decades. 

We bonded throughout our childhood over dance recitals, fancy parties at the Italian Community Center, hair styles (so jealous my Aunt was a hair stylist and could cut her hair!) and countless bad 80's fashion mishaps. 

Hands down, what bonded us the most was food. Every Sunday night we'd meet at my Nana's house for her famous pasta, every holiday we shared meals together, every birthday we cut cake together while our Uncles cut the cheese and we worked our grandparent's food booth at Festa Italiana. We ate food together, made food together and served the food my grandparent's, parents and Aunts/Uncles made to countless costumers. Pizza, Lasagna, Fish Fries, Cannolis, Italian ice, Italian Sausage sandwiches, Rice Balls and so much more made up the fabric of our youth.

Yes, food is fuel and gives the body energy, but food it's also so much more. It serves as a source of connection, comfort and cultural traditions. 

Don't underestimate the connections that food helps you make for yourself and to other people. 

Don't let your life pass you by because you were afraid to bond over meals at the kitchen table, at a summer festival or at the holiday banquet table. 

Life can be cut too short. Savor your food and connections to family and friends. 


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