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How to Avoid the Post Pandemic Diet Roller Coaster

Jun 07, 2021

Will Smith recently posted a full body selfie with the caption, “I’m gonna be real wit y’all. I’m in the worst shape of my life”. Let me first say that a) his “worst shape” picture looks like he’s a regular guy and b) you can NEVER assume a person’s health based on their physical appearance. 

Will Smith’s not the only one emerging from the pandemic cocoon with a different appearance. Not only have many our bodies changed, our attitudes have, too. In particular, our anxieties are up. What about my unvaccinated kids? Are the vaccines really safe? What about summer camp? What’s school going to look like next year? Can I really hang out unmasked with friends? Weren’t we just double masking a few weeks ago?

One industry in particular is thrilled with this combination of body dissatisfaction and peaked anxiety. You guessed it…the diet industry (aka the weight cycling industry). 

Even though many people are starting to understand that diets don’t work for a large majority of people and that many gain weight after dieting, our anxious minds irrationally search for some sense of control and dieting is often our best attempt at control. Never mind that this “solution” to our anxiety is hardly a real solution as dieting often perpetuates or worsens our anxieties and it rarely solves the so-called “problem” of our body size. (Reminder: your body is never the problem)

Even if you call it “wellness” or a “lifestyle change” or rebrand to WW from Weight Watchers, it’s all the same 95% plus failure rate. That doesn’t stop these companies and diet guru individuals from coming for you. They’ll come at you in the sneakiest ways, but don’t be fooled. They’ll tempt you with phrases like, “you deserve better”, “this isn’t another diet where you’ll torture yourself”, or “imagine loving yourself regardless of your body”, “we aren’t talking about deprivation because nobody wants to be thin and miserable”. All of this is followed by a plan, a formula, a strategy or some other bullsh*t approach. 

A diet by any other name is still a diet and most people who attempt dieting will harm themselves both physically and mentally. 


So what do you do if your body has changed and your mind is on a hamster wheel of anxious thoughts and you find yourself googling protocols for intermittent fasting at 11:12pm? You find ways to calm your nervous system. 

You might try movement, meditation, deep breathing, journaling, calling a friend, talking to a coach or therapist, connecting with a community of people who share your beliefs/goals, or spending time in nature. Do things that feel good for your body.

When it comes to food, instead of going down the rabbit hole of restriction, ask yourself, “what can I add to my day to feel well?”. A piece of fruit, an extra glass of water, a delicious dessert, or three REAL full meals with all the macros to keep my energy levels up during the day.

Be smarter than the marketers who bank on repeat customers to fund their lives. The time in your life is yours, please don’t give any more time or money away to the 70 billion dollar diet industry. 

Emerge from your pandemic cocoon in full color with no apologies. Take a selfie and leave a new caption: “I’m gonna be honest wit y’all. This is me and I’m ready to fly”.



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