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Ice, Ice, Baby

Sep 04, 2023

Eighteen 6th graders filled our yard last week for a back-to-school hang out. It's definitely not called a "playdate" at this point because that would, low-key, not be cool. The kids would all dip if they found out it was still called a "playdate". 

It was the classic pre-teen awkward social interaction with boys on one side of the line and girls on the other side of the imaginary line. They came together for the pinnacle of the event. 

The Kona Ice Truck. 

I don't know what genius thought up this dream machine, but every year it makes our summer at 4th of July, long swim meets and pool parties. There's nothing like getting that cup of shaved ice in the shape of an ice cream cone and playing flavor maker with the bottomless syrup dispensers. Ice, ice, baby. 

The kids mingled and shared their concoctions and then it was promptly back to boys v girls. All we needed was a disco ball, streamers and an awkward eight minute slow dance song from Journey and I would've been transported straight back to middle school myself. 

At pick up, the moms talked about Kona Ice. One mom said her daughter was so excited that she wanted to go for seconds, but would restrain herself so she didn't look like a fatty in front of everybody. CRINGE. 

It's hard for me not to get on my soap box in these moments outside of saying, "it's so delicious, I would want to go for seconds on a hot day and my kids usually do go for seconds". 


This particular mom who said this is lovely and loves her kids and doesn't mean to cause harm, but she very likely is causing harm by reinforcing fat phobic stereotypes and commenting on how and what her daughter eats. She doesn't know the truth about food and our body size and diets so I understand she has these thoughts.

I don't want you to have false notions about what you or your kid's eat. I've taken the labor of figuring out what you can say and do around food and body and wrapped it in this pretty little bow called Raising Anti-Diet Kids. Publishing day is NEXT WEEK, TUESDAY! Back to school time is the perfect time to learn a new way to think about, talk about and act around food. 

Buy the book HERE!  
My 6th grade crew and I would, low-key, really appreciate your support. 


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