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It's My Book Birthday + Giveaway!

Sep 12, 2023

Drumroll, please……

Today is my book birthday! Raising Anti-Diet Kids: A Parent’s Actionable Guide To Ditch Diets and Cultivate Body Respect is out in the world!!

Cue the confetti, streamers and dance music, but no gifts, please!***


Friends and Family who preordered their books sent me texts and photos with my book having a party in their very own homes! It’s wild this idea I had years ago actually turned into a real live book that people are reading. Like any author, I worry. Will people like it? Will it make a difference in their lives? Will only my mom and dad buy the book? I do know that I poured my heart and soul into this book and tried to make it a valuable tool that completely changes the way you think about food and your body not only for yourself, but for your whole family. I can't wait to hear what you think! 

If you still haven't bought the book, what are you waiting for?
For two lucky readers, the book can be yours for FREE. Simply reply to this email with your name and address and I'll send you a signed copy of the book plus some groovy stickers, because I still never lost my obsession with going to the sticker store and buying completely unnecessary and adorable stickers for my collection. I have no idea what happened to that collection, and I still love stickers. 

At our house we’re having some ice cream to celebrate tonight. Even if you don’t buy my book, I hope you’ll use today as a reminder that you don't need an accomplishment or big event in order to give yourself permission to eat something delicious. You can do that just because it's Tuesday and ice cream sounds good to you, too.

***The one gift you could give me is a 5 star Amazon review! The more reviews, the more people I can reach! Click here to help give me some street creed

Thank you for your support! It really does mean a lot to me.


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