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New Questions

Feb 18, 2019


New Questions

When women hire me, at first, they’ll often ask questions like...

“How can I stop overeating?”

“How can I stop emotional eating?”

“How can I stop eating so much junk food?”

“How can I stop eating ___(fill in the blank)___?”

“What kinds of meals should I be eating?”

These may seem like the “right questions” to be asking. But ultimately, these questions keep us trapped in a cycle where we’re obsessively fixating on food and where we only feel “good” about ourselves (proud, confident, lovable, worthy) if we eat a particular way or look a particular way. Ultimately, these questions keep us stuck.

I’d like to propose some different questions:

“How can I feel more relaxed around food?”

“How can I feel ‘at ease’ as I move through my daily life?”

“How can I bring myself to a place where food is no longer threatening, no longer ‘good’ or ‘bad,’ where food is just ‘neutral’?”

“How can I feel good about myself—and like myself, even love
myself—regardless of what I eat or don’t eat?”

“What are the pursuits and priorities that really matter to me? Getting a ‘perfect body’? Or something else?”

“What kind of life do I want to be living?”

When we start asking different questions, it sparks a whole new conversation. With new questions in mind, we begin to have new thoughts, which lead to new feelings, which lead to new actions and choices.

The path to peace, ease, and freedom begins with a new set of questions.

PS. This song sounds like “freedom” to me.



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