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Oreos for Breakfast

Oct 05, 2020

"Mooooooom!! She's having Oreos for breakfast!"  shouted one of my kids as she came running to find me. 

One week later. 

Mooooooom!! She's having Oreos for snack. It's not time for dessert! 

My Oreo loving daughter, looked at my plainly and said, "What? You told us we could eat whatever we wanted". 

She's not wrong

While I do like to follow Ellyn Satter's Division of Responsibility where parents decide what, when and where kids eat and the how much and what kids put on their plate is completely up to them, I do say that we have desserts with lunch or dinner. 

Now if desserts happen to be eaten outside of that time, I don't start yelling. Who wants to turn down freshly baked chocolate chip pumpkin muffins when they're fresh out of the oven at 11am? Or homemade apple pie from scratch that was devoured at 3:45pm. I want to teach our kids to not only allow their desires around food, but also to enjoy them. No foods are good or bad. All the foods have a place in our lives, even the ones that aren't as nutrient dense. The carrot and the cupcake both have macronutrients and both have value. I'm not going to battle my kids around food. 

Back in the day when I was battling myself and keeping track of every last carrot and almond, I wouldn't have dreamed that I'd be letting my kids have Oreos for breakfast much less have them in the house. I wouldn't have trusted myself. 

If you're a dieter, you know this feeling of not trusting yourself well. When you aren't getting enough to eat, your body begs you to have more, usually in the form of a binge. When you do trust yourself, which takes practice from the place of a curious observer*, you can have all the things in your house and not think twice about them.

Trust involves you listening to your body and nourishing your body. When you're in a state of energy balance, you don't feel crazy around food, you don't worry what will happen with you, a pan of brownies and kid's at (zoom) school. 

You might be thinking about what would happen if you let go of the rules. Will you end up like Veruca Salt? No, you won't. You'll end up in the body that you were meant to be in. You'll end up feeling calm, relaxed and able to focus on the things that really matter in your life. 

Enrollment for my twelve week online program, Peace Out Diets, will be opening soon. I'm gong to teach you exactly how to let go of the rules so that if you want an Oreo for breakfast or snack someday, you can sit at the table and enjoy it instead of sneaking behind your pantry's closed doors. 

Eat what you want, when you want and not feel any shame or guilt? 
Yes, it's possible. 

Eat a variety of foods naturally and not rely on apple cider donuts for breakfast, lunch and dinner? 
Absolutely (unless it's fall y'all, you might want those donuts all day).

We'll do it together. Even if your kids are shouting, Moooooooooooom while you learn a new way of living. 


PS. Hit reply if you have any questions about Peace Out Diets!
PPS. Want to practice being a curious observer? Your yoga mat is the perfect place to start. Join me here. 


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