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Peeling Back The Layers

Aug 14, 2023

I was on my hands and knees scrubbing furiously, but the stain wouldn’t budge. Spilling things is an everyday occurrence at our house, but this stain had extra currency since we just had our hardwood floors refinished. I’m talking hour 3 upon arriving home and it looked like a huge blueberry juice stain on our brand new floors. All six kids lined up Sound of Music Style denying their hand in the crime. 

I got out my favorite heavy hitters, Barkeeper’s Friend and the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. I was not going to lose this battle. As I continued scrubbing, I realized that I was peeling back the new layers of (clearly not enough) floor sealant. Uh oh.

Those layers coming off the newly minted floor reminded me of how many layers of diet culture I had to peel back in order to feel at peace around food and my body. Getting back to the original me was a practice of scrubbing the deck clean. If you've tried all the diet, health and wellness things and know there has to be a better way, I know that my book, Raising Anti-Diet Kids, can help. Not sure it’s worth the read? Listen to what my fabulous editor, Kayla, had to say when she held the book in her hands this week: 

Your book and its messages have continued to unfold in my life. I have been working on healing around disordered mental programming around my body for years now, and reading your book so many times during editing was truly medicine for my soul. The lessons and information stuck with me, and there have been hundreds of times in the months since then when I have thought about your book and leaned on its wisdom for support. 

I hope it reaches many, many people, and I also know that whoever it does reach will be deeply impacted.” 

Just like Kayla, you can learn to peel back those layers of diet culture and scrub the decks clean. You can seal in a whole new way of thinking about food and your body for both yourself and your family. You deserve to feel at peace around food and understand what Virginia Sole-Smith says so eloquently, “your body is valuable, but it isn’t your value”. 

The deadline to get an autographed copy and fun sticker from yours truly is this Thursday! Click here to buy! Thank you for your support! 


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