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The Compound Effect

Oct 07, 2019

The compound effect.

How many minutes do you think you’ve spent feeling unhappy about your body—or feeling anxious and worried about food?

How many minutes have you spent reading Weight Watchers guidelines (or Paleo, Whole 30, Keto, or any type of meal plan) and then compiling your grocery shopping list accordingly? 

How many minutes have you spent scanning a restaurant menu to determine what you “should” eat and what’s “allowed” on your food plan?

And, how many minutes have you spent trying on a thousand bathing suits or pairs of jeans, squeezing into a pair of Spanx, or taking 1,000 Selfies to find “the right one” because you’re never satisfied with how you look?

How much time? 

A few minutes per day?

While a few minutes per day may seem like much, it’s eerie how it adds up. 

Just like there’s a compound effect with money you invest, there’s a compound effect with the time you invest into body-obsession, food restriction, and dieting. 

Twenty “harmless” minutes per day—Googling Keto-friendly meals, or changing your outfit (yet again) because you never feel totally happy with your appearance—adds up to 120 hours per year. Multiply that over ten years. Twenty. Thirty. The compound effect is startling.  

How much more time are you willing to lose?

I hope that you feel something deep inside of you that says, “This is madness. Enough is enough. I want my time back.”

You want to get off the crazy weight-cycling-diet-industry hamster wheel? 

You want your time back? Then, refuse to sign up for pointless diet programs. Cancel your Weight Watchers membership. No more praising your girlfriend for “how skinny” she’s gotten and asking for her “secrets.” No more late-night Googling to find low-cal breakfast options. We’re done with all of that.

As you reclaim your time, you’ll experience a different kind of compound effect—the beauty of having your time, energy, sanity, and more money restored.  

What else could you do with 120 hours per year? 

That’s a lot of snuggling and bedtime story-time with your kids. Walks in the park with your dog. Long phone chats with your mom or dad. Time with your loved ones. 

You have wonderful things to do, important things, far more important than weighing a skinless chicken breast cutlet on a kitchen scale to ensure that it’s precisely four ounces in accordance with your new meal plan.

Take your life back.


PS. Speaking of taking your life back. One of our 4 year old's favorites.  

PPS. Fall madness leaving you feeling a little stressed?  Join me on your mat here.  


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