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Turning The Page

Sep 05, 2022

The rest of our crew heads back to school tomorrow which is just as well with 90% chance of rain and 66 degrees in the forecast. The new year feels equal parts fresh and daunting. Aside from the new markers, pencils, binders, folders and paint (Target aisles are the best) that I bought, the labor of getting through another school year feels real and is not giving me low-key vibes (teenage lingo for "kinda cool"). 

The work of recovering from diet culture and disordered eating is real. I'm not gonna lie and tell you it's easy if you just follow my formula. It's not easy, but it's a lot less difficult doing anti-diet work with someone like me who's walked the path and understands what you're going through. 

I don't usually write to you on holidays, but it felt appropriate to remind you that you're not alone in doing this work and that I admire you for making strides away from diet culture. Making peace with food is hard work and we can do this labor together because it's worth the effort it takes to find yourself on the other side of obsessing about food, bingeing, restricting, calculating, measuring and overexercising.

Why not start the new school year with a new commitment to yourself to realllllly quit dieting?

It just might be one of the best things that's ever happened to you. 


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