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What is your #1 pursuit?

Mar 11, 2019


What is your #1 pursuit?

What is your #1 pursuit in life?

Is it to finally get that “perfect” or “ideal” or “better” body?

That was my #1 pursuit for a long time, I’m embarrassed to admit.

Cultivating the ideal physique—which in my mind, was long, lean, toned, and sculpted—was one of my top priorities in life. It’s staggering how much time I spent trying to create “that body.”

If I were to tally it all up, how much time would it be? A thousand hours? Ten thousand? A hundred thousand? A stupefying amount of time!

Today, I choose to spend my time differently.

Today, I have different pursuits:

#1. I want to be a great mama to my five kids.

#2. I want my kids to feel my immense LOVE for them every day.

#3. I want to make sure I never let my kids leave the house without receiving a big hug and hearing “I love you.”

#4. I want to be the best wife and partner I can be.

#5. I want to write articles (like this one) to share my ideas and stories, and I want to coach, teach, grow my business, and touch women’s lives.

#6. I want to take good care of myself and feel healthy and strong—without obsessing about my size.

#7. I want to make a difference in my community and be of service.

#8. I want to make time for faith and spiritual connection.

#9. I want to have adventures in my local ‘hood and out in the world.

#10. I want to die one day knowing that I made a difference in people’s lives. It doesn’t have to be “one million people” and I don’t have to be “world famous,” necessarily, but knowing that I helped a few people to be happier and healthier, to feel more freedom and joy… that’s enough.

Those are just 10 of my pursuits in life. I have PLENTY others, too. But getting a “perfect summer bikini beach body” (whatever the heck that even means!) is NO LONGER on my list of pursuits. THANK THE LORD FOR THAT. I am so grateful that nowadays I have pursuits that are bigger than “weight loss.” And I know you do, too.

Your turn.

What are your biggest, most precious, most important pursuits in life?

What’s on your list?

PS. Please make your list and send it to me—I’d love to see it—or make your list and share it with your family and friends. Encourage them to make a list, too. Let’s all re-commit ourselves to the things that really matter.



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