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When Hope Fails

Mar 09, 2020

I used to think hope was such a strong and powerful way to approach things that I wanted to achieve or have happen in my life.  

If I hoped really long and hard about something, I believed that would increase my chances of getting what I wanted.

But, lately, I’m not hoping for things anymore. Hoping with fingers crossed and eyes closed isn’t the best approach to getting what you want. The thing is, there’s no action in that hope.  

And sometimes, hope can actually be harmful.  

Hope can keep you on that never ending diet cycle, because maybe you “just haven’t found the right one for you yet”. Hope can make you feel like “if I just try harder, this next diet will work”.

The problem is, we’ve become emotionally attached to the idea of being thin. We’ve been told a lie - that “thin is feasible and necessary for health and happiness and success”.

We do harmful things to ourselves to make this hope for a different body seem attainable.  

The diet industry relies on our hope for a different body, and our shame and fears, in order to make money.  

If you can start to let go of dieting and the hope that a different body is the answer to everything in life, you’ll be able to find true peace and freedom with food and your body.   


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