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You Cleaned Me Out Of Cash

Jul 05, 2021

Empty red and yellow Starburst wrappers, napkins in a wad, half eaten granola bars, several unidentifiable crumbs, goggles, wet swim diapers and sunscreen tubes littered the bottom of my summer bag. 

Before the holiday, I wanted to have a fresh start before it was inundated with parade candy wrappers, pinwheels and American flags. One of the kids had also asked me for cash, so I was also looking to scrape up enough loose change for the $2 tennis racquet “noise dampener” they wanted to buy. Apparently these are all the rage if you play tennis.

“Sorry, fellas, I only found sixty seven cents”. You guys cleaned me out of cash at the last swim meet snack bar. 

I have enough trouble keeping the top of the cash funnel full and don't need anything unnecessarily sucking the bottom of my cash funnel at rapid speed.

You know what does a great job cleaning you out of cash? Every diet and “cleanse” on the market.

The latest and greatest always promise a "new" angle and approach that really does work! Guess what does work? Your body. You’ve got an incredibly sophisticated system that’s programmed with your ideal weight and your liver does a better job than any cleanse Gwenyth Paltrow and her fellow GOOP staffers are promoting. 

I’m just glad I can ignore all these empty promises and, for the most part, feel free from food, free from diet culture, free from the inordinate amount of time that my mind was wrapped in food drama. There’s no valor in being at war with yourself as a lifelong dieter. I highly recommend you get out your white flag and fly it high as a reminder to surrender to your body’s innate wisdom. 

The real wisdom comes from knowing that there's no magic bullet, no magic cure, no magic food or food group that will permanently shrink your body, bring you unending happiness and ensure you'll join the centenarians. 

Keep celebrating independence day this week with the reminder that freedom from food and diet culture is possible and just imagine what that extra cash in your wallet can go towards....definitely more sunscreen, goggles and granola bars for our house. 


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