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Your Body Hears You

Sep 09, 2019

Your body hears you.

Your body is your constant companion. 24 hours a day. 365 days a year.

When you give yourself a hug in the morning and say, “I’m strong and powerful,” your body hears these words.

When you catch your reflection in the mirror and think, “Ugh, I hate my stomach rolls,” your body hears this, too.

Everything you do, your body is the witness. 

Your body is influenced by every word you think and say.

Many people don’t realize that your thoughts (aka: the words you say inside your head) initiate a chemical reaction that cascades through your entire body. 

For instance, let’s say you hear a strange rustling sound. You suspect someone’s outside your window. You think, “Oh my gosh. Who’s there?” This fearful thought triggers a chemical shift in your body—a spike in your adrenaline levels. 

Or, let’s say you’re daydreaming about your sweetheart. You think about the sound of their voice, their laugh, their smile, and you think, “I can’t wait to see them tonight.” This thought signals your brain to release mood-boosting hormones like dopamine and oxytocin. 

Every thought creates a chemical shift in your body. 

Remember this—and be careful about which thoughts you choose to think.

When you think, “I’m disgusting,” “I hate my legs,” “I have no self-control,” consider what type of chemical reaction these thoughts trigger in your body. (Spoiler alert: it’s not a good one.)

When you think, “I’m proud of myself,” “I choose to take good care of myself,” “I’m grateful for my body,” these thoughts trigger a very different reaction. 

Just like a sweet little child hovering in the doorway—watching you, eavesdropping on you—your body is always listening. Deep down, your body always knows what you really think. When you restrict food, bully yourself, exercise obsessively because you’re repulsed by your thighs, or say vicious things to yourself, your body hears everything. Every cruel word.

If you wouldn’t want a child to hear it, then don’t say it to your body either.



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