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Something In My Pocket

Dec 13, 2021

I grabbed my paper plate filled with crackers, cheese and apple slices and found my spot on the rainbow rug next to my bestie, Debbie. We proudly wore our brown sashes filled with crafty patches commemorating all our Brownie triumphs. Our meetings always started with that catchy tune, the Brownie Smile Song. 

"I've got something in my pocket that belongs across my face. I keep it very close at hand in a most convenient place. I'm sure you couldn't guess it if you guessed a long, long while. So I'll take it out and put it on, it's a Great Big Brownie Smile!" 

I thought back to this song when my daughter said she was going to put a candy cane in her pocket today. I asked her why and she said she didn't want to go to school but if she had a candy cane to munch on, that would make her happy. 

I said, "Yes, you absolutely should put that candy cane in your pocket. Great idea!"

Food gets such a bad wrap for bringing on any feeling other than satisfying basic needs. Happiness from food? No!!!! Food is supposed to be for fuel ONLY. Forget pleasure. Stick to necessity.

NO THANK YOU, diet gurus. I call BS on that dumb diet rule.

Food is meant for pleasure and pure enjoyment. We're coming up on (hopefully) some holiday gatherings or traditions that I hope will have you surrounded by people and food in abundance. 

Get out that great big brownie smile and let your time with loved ones be about connection and pleasure. Relax and enjoy your food Elsa style (Let it go!) which will do more for your health than any steady diet of kale salad. 

The brownies really should make a covid survival patch and I wish I would've kept that brown beautie. There also should be a parenting brownie badge. I've got a lot of ideas for that one. 

PS. Chocolate is NOT a good idea for pockets. Melted chocolate anywhere will vanish your smile pronto. 

PPS. If you need some tools to keep in your back pocked to help you get through the holidays, join me in my online programs below. A little yoga and food peace can help make your 2022 bussin'


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