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Even Dogs Aren't Immune

I screamed so loudly that the guy wallpapering my house opened the front door to see what happened. 

I ran with my shaking dog over to where he was standing on my front porch and together we inspected her for blood. Turns out retired fire fighters turned wallpaper installers are good for emergencies. 

One minute earlier, the neighbor's dog came out of their yard into the street and attacked our dog. 

After we spotted a wound, I called the vet. 

Two minutes later, we loaded the still shaking dog into the car. 

Twenty-five minutes later we arrived at the vet's office. 

As I held our shaking puppy and paced the waiting room, I noticed a sign. 

In big bold letters, it said "Did you know that 50% of dogs are OVERWEIGHT?"

Ugh. Even the dogs aren't immune to the constant bombardment of weight loss. Thank god dogs can't read, use social media, read magazines or watch TV, but too bad their owners can. I'm all for taking great care of dogs, but I think...

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