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Pour Some Sugar On Me

antidiet diet industry Jul 19, 2021

I blasted the music while I attempted my best air guitar and classic rock hand gestures. My kids stared at me with blank faces while I shouted the words. I mean what child who grew up in the 80’s doesn’t secretly love belting out Def Leppard’s, Pour Some Sugar On Me? 

I was inspired to have a kitchen concert since I’ve seen so many kids in our neighborhood sporting the vintage rock t-shirt trend. Last week I spotted a four year old in a Def Leppard t-shirt and leopard skirt. Classy. I’ve spotted some Rolling Stones and GnR. I started to wonder if all the local parents were having their kids listen to classic rock. Was I missing out on some important music education for our kids? 

I decided to ask a ten year old sporting her Def gear if she knew any Def Leppard songs. She said “Ummm, no. My mom just bought it for me”. 

What. A. Crime. 

I mean Watermelon Sugar is catchy, but it’s no Pour Some Sugar on Me. 


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