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I Made You A Present!

gift hunger pleasure Dec 21, 2020

Well, it's hard to believe we made it to the end of 2020. 

It's certainly been *a year*. 

Today is the shortest day meaning it's the longest and darkest night. Seems appropriate for where we are in the pandemic....growing numbers of cases and deaths. These certainly feel like the darkest of days, but there's hope ahead. 

My hope for you is that you find small ways to celebrate with whoever you're with this holiday season. Enjoy this unique chance to have a blank slate to create a different, yet meaningful way to celebrate this year. Keep the spirit of the season alive with stories, food and small traditions. 

When you enjoy your food this holiday season, remember that there's a constant ebb and flow of hunger and fullness and there's no arrival at a perfect level of hunger. Challenge yourself to enjoy your food with intention and to invite all of your senses to participate in the pleasurable experience of eating....touch, taste, sight and smell. Being able to be...

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