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Knock Knock, Who's There?

binge eating control yoga Jan 25, 2021

As I exhale deeply in downward dog, I hear the bedroom door creak open and close. 

Ugh, don’t they (meaning any of the other 6 people in our house since one daughter is doing yoga with me) know that I’m in the middle of teaching my class?

Two minutes later I’m holding plank and hear the door creak open and softly close.

At least the intruder is trying to be silent.

Four minutes later I’m balancing on one hand and one foot. “Creeeaaaak”, close.

Seriously, this is annoying. The one hour a week I look forward to EVERY other day of the week is getting interrupted. Deep breath, back to the present. FOCUS.

Five minutes later I’m looking right at the door when it opens two inches. With my best zen whisper, I mouth to my daughter doing yoga with me in to kindly find the perpetrator and beg them to stop.

Three minutes later, a note slips under the door with an SOS!! notice at the top.

This made me think of how many times our body comes...

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