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Oprah and Your Favorite Things

Dec 18, 2023

I love a good list. I write lists every week and love putting together the annual list of your favorite articles from the year. I know you missed some good ones, so I’m wrapping them in a little bow for you to enjoy in the coming weeks. 

Instead of a list, I wish I could be like Oprah and call out your name and proclaim, “You get a car!”, but I can’t and that reminds me….

Why, Oprah, why? ICYMI, the WW board member and spokesperson who initially denounced weight loss drugs as “the easy way out” has now come full circle. She admits to taking a weight loss drug which has resulted in a noticeable weight loss for the mega star. 

This news is giving me all the feels, but I’ll just say these things for now.

Oprah might want to reconsider her involvement with WW since counting calories for the rest of her life wasn’t going to be the secret to lasting weight loss because 97% of people who attempt weight loss will not succeed. The timing of weight loss drugs rollout in some WW clinics is convenient, but this drug is relatively new and initially intended for weight loss.  

In fact, the weight loss drugs are so new, that the long term side effects and efficacy of the drugs are largely unknown. The dosage levels to achieve weight loss results are much higher than dosages used to treat Diabetes. 

Diet culture spares nobody. Not the smart ones, not the rich ones, not the ones with all the resources. Oprah believes and has sold the belief that life would be better if she were juuuust a little bit (or a lot bit) thinner. AND the kicker is she believes that with the right will power, all things (including weight loss) are possible. Not true, Oprah, not true. 

Let’s give our girls a better story than their body is a problem to be solved, their hunger is a things to be ignored and their bodies should be mistrusted. 

Here’s what your favorite things were this year:
1. Nothing New Here

2. Coffee Is Not Breakfast

3. Why I Refuse To Buy Rice Cakes

4. Are You Satisfied? 

5. Ice, Ice, Baby

6.Channeling Your Inner Woo Woo

7.Mini Me

8.CoCo No

9.Let Them Eat Chocolate

10. Nothing New Here

And let’s not forget the biggest news of the year….my book, Raising Anti-Diet Kids: A Parent’s Actionable Guide To Ditch Diets and Cultivate Body Respect!!!!

Click HERE to buy the book! Once you learn the anti-diet way, you can’t unlearn it. And the amount of time, money and energy you’ll get back from dieting is priceless. You won’t be seduced by Oprah or any else who’s fallen victim to diet culture. 

MERRY EVERYTHING!!! Thank you for a fabulous year and I’ll see the same you in the new year because you don’t buy into that new year, new you BS. 


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