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At 7:01am, I picked up our telephone and dialed my best friend, Rachel. I couldn't call before 7am, because I might wake someone up and get in trouble with her step-mom. She wasn't a lady I wanted to mess with, so I waited an extra minute just to be safe. 

I could picture Rachel racing to pick up the hallway telephone before her brothers grabbed it. Luckily, the phone was just outside her bedroom so she had an advantage. I could picture her dragging the incredibly long cord all the way to the front of her closet to assess the situation. 

"What are you wearing today?" I'd ask. 

"Ummmm, I think my skirt and long sleeve shirt. Do you have something that matches?" she'd reply.

Once we had our outfits dialed in, we'd walk to meet at the corner and make our way to school. 

Wall phones, dialing, waiting for the clock to all seems rather antiquated compared to today's scenario. 

My daughter wakes up and can check her "Snaps"...

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