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It's My Book Birthday + Giveaway!

Drumroll, please……

Today is my book birthday! Raising Anti-Diet Kids: A Parent’s Actionable Guide To Ditch Diets and Cultivate Body Respect is out in the world!!

Cue the confetti, streamers and dance music, but no gifts, please!***


Friends and Family who preordered their books sent me texts and photos with my book having a party in their very own homes! It’s wild this idea I had years ago actually turned into a real live book that people are reading. Like any author, I worry. Will people like it? Will it make a difference in their lives? Will only my mom and dad buy the book? I do know that I poured my heart and soul into this book and tried to make it a valuable tool that completely changes the way you think about food and your body not only for yourself, but for your whole family. I can't wait to hear what you think! 

If you still haven't bought the book, what are you waiting for?
For two lucky readers, the book...

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Exciting News!

To this day, I refuse to buy a Kindle. It would be ridiculously convenient to use that fancy little e-reader while traveling with six kids, but its never happening.

There’s something special, even magical, about holding and reading a real book. Whether turning the page feels like a fresh start or the weight of the book just feels like a small treasure that was written just for me, books are powerful.

I’ve always loved books and am excited to tell you that I’m writing a book that you’ll be able to hold in your hot little hands very soon! 

In this book I’ll be sharing all my tips, strategies, coaching exercises and ideas that will help you handle everything from trips to the doctor’s office, to school lunch monitors to body image. The book is full of additional resources and is the guide I wish I had when my kids were born about how to handle and what to say about all things food and body.

What should you say and not say...

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