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It's My Book Birthday + Giveaway!

Drumroll, please……

Today is my book birthday! Raising Anti-Diet Kids: A Parent’s Actionable Guide To Ditch Diets and Cultivate Body Respect is out in the world!!

Cue the confetti, streamers and dance music, but no gifts, please!***


Friends and Family who preordered their books sent me texts and photos with my book having a party in their very own homes! It’s wild this idea I had years ago actually turned into a real live book that people are reading. Like any author, I worry. Will people like it? Will it make a difference in their lives? Will only my mom and dad buy the book? I do know that I poured my heart and soul into this book and tried to make it a valuable tool that completely changes the way you think about food and your body not only for yourself, but for your whole family. I can't wait to hear what you think! 

If you still haven't bought the book, what are you waiting for?
For two lucky readers, the book...

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Ice, Ice, Baby

Eighteen 6th graders filled our yard last week for a back-to-school hang out. It's definitely not called a "playdate" at this point because that would, low-key, not be cool. The kids would all dip if they found out it was still called a "playdate". 

It was the classic pre-teen awkward social interaction with boys on one side of the line and girls on the other side of the imaginary line. They came together for the pinnacle of the event. 

The Kona Ice Truck. 

I don't know what genius thought up this dream machine, but every year it makes our summer at 4th of July, long swim meets and pool parties. There's nothing like getting that cup of shaved ice in the shape of an ice cream cone and playing flavor maker with the bottomless syrup dispensers. Ice, ice, baby. 

The kids mingled and shared their concoctions and then it was promptly back to boys v girls. All we needed was a disco ball, streamers and an awkward eight minute slow dance song from Journey and I would've...

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Shake It Up

I didn't want to order my son the milkshake. It was 9am on a Tuesday morning and we had just arrived at The Nantucket Pharmacy Counter. 

He sat at the counter stool swiveling around and around looking at me through his straw-turned-telescope that he was hoping would be dunked into a milkshake. He remembered how good they were last year. 

"What about a croissant? Blueberry muffin? Bagel? Acai bowl? Eggs and toast?" I asked skimming through the menu. 

"No, no and have you lost your mind, Mom? I hate eggs. Remember??" he sighed. 

 "Ok, I don't even know if they make milkshakes this early in the day."

He looked at me with those sad puppy dog eyes, scowl on his face and arms crossed. 

The sweet woman behind the counter heard us talking and said she would make him a milkshake. 

His siblings kept reminding both of us that milkshakes are not a breakfast food. 

I ordered two of my sons a milkshake for breakfast. 


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Are You An Almond Mom?

I passed a mom at the pool hauling her double wide stroller with buckets and sand toys and towels draped over the sides. It was a scorcher and the smell of sunscreen hit the nose at the same time the sound of happy splashers hit the ears. But what caught my attention most was what my eyes saw. Her two toddlers holding ice cream cones filled with fruit. 

We did a little stop and chat and she laughed at herself saying that she wanted her kids to have a cone so they didn’t feel totally deprived. “It’s still something sweet, right?” she laughed. 

“Next time just let them have the real thing!” I said half jokingly. 

This encounter reminded me of the “almond mom” sweeping TikTok. The almond mom was coined from a controversial comment made by Real Housewives alum Yolanda Hadid (yes, Gigi Hadid’s mom). Back in 2014, her daughter called her sounding shaky after eating half an almond and her mom’s reply was to eat...

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