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Forget Fearless

Who knew that an artist would have the advice I needed to hear this week. 

My girls and their friends went to a Cape Cod stripes art workshop with an incredibly talented local artist, Carolyn Mackin. During the workshop the girls picked any colors of their choosing to make some fancy horizontal stripes. Anything goes for stripe thickness, amount of stripes, the way to apply the stripes onto the paper and number of colors. 

Basically, there are no rules. 

I came back towards the end of the workshop and one of my girls was looking particularly upset about her stripes. Carolyn and I asked her what she was thinking and she said she didn't like the bold, thick stripes she had put on her papers. Carolyn gave her some suggestions, but my daughter was still looking unsure, upset and a little frozen. 

Then, Carolyn gave the mic drop speech. 

She said, art isn't about being fearless. There's no such thing as being fearless. We all have our...

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Lollipop, Lollipop, Oh, Lolli, Lollipop

The last three times I've run into a school mom, my two year old is doing something with a lollipop. 

The first time, this mom saw us at the paper store in town and kindly peeled the white sticky stick off of my daughter's bottom and brought it to me letting me know what she had found. She promised no judgement and said with a giggle that she could totally relate. 
Thank you, new friend. Classy. 

The second time, we were at CVS buying some (a very large bag) of lollipops to survive an upcoming airplane flight. My friend helped me find the econo size bag because apparently she makes pre-flight CVS stops, too. We had just enough to last the final leg of our trip.
Thank you, friend, sugar and CVS. 

Just last week, we bumped into each other at CVS (AGAIN) and my daughter was working two lollipops in her mouth even before we got to the checkout line. My friend and I laughed about our repeated lollipop adventures. This time I needed the lollipops...

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The Unused Room In Our House

acceptance anti diet May 16, 2022

There was a small room in our old house that we never used in the three years we lived there.

I had every intention of a nightly, weekly or even a monthly steam, but that basement sauna didn't get used once. I'm taking zero, zilch, nada enchilada. I shouldn't be surprised because despite the couple that sold us the house ooohing and aahing about their fabulous sauna, it was clearly untouched. I thought for sure the distinct spicy warm cedarwood smell would lure me in for the best in at-home detoxification, improved circulation and relaxation, but not so much. 

Maybe I didn't want to slap on a swim suit or was too lazy to go downstairs even in the buck with a towel, but for whatever reason, I never made it happen. Maybe it was the fact that I almost passed out during a hot yoga class (yup, I'm a yoga teacher and don't love hot yoga) so even the thought of doing something remotely similar wasn't motivating. 

Lately, the sauna world is all a twitter about the weight loss...

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I Think You've Had Enough....

allowance anti diet May 09, 2022

The soccer sidelines are a great place to be a voyeur. 

I was sitting near a mom who was offering her kid snacks out of her purse. No judgement on giving snacks of any kind much less the cheerio dust and goldfish lining purse bottoms, because- hello- mom life. 

This little girl was happily munching away when her friend wanted to get in on the snack action. 

The mom happily handed over some goods to the friend and her daughter was, well, less than pleased. 

The mom looked her daughter straight in the eyes with that tone and said you've had two of these, three of that and I think you've had enough while continuing to pass the crunchy treasure onto their friend. 

The message here was pretty clear.

I know better than you. Not a good idea to trust yourself. 

And just like that, her ability to trust herself starts eroding away one (not so) innocent comment at a time. 

How do we know what's best for other people when it...

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Don't Make My Brown Eyes Blue


My two year old and I sat on the kitchen floor playing with our new puppy when she stared deep in my eyes and questioned me, “Mommy, your eyes blue?"

“No, mommy has brown eyes, but daddy and your brother have blue eyes”.
She paused for dramatic effect and then blurted out, “change now!” in her most insistent tone.
“I wish I could have blue eyes. I've actually always wanted blue eyes, but my eyes will always be brown” I explained.
“But, mine blue?” She asked as her shoulders dropped in disappointment.
“Yes, isn’t that cool!”
“Yeah!!!” she squealed as she ran off with the puppy who couldn't care less about eye color and only wants her belly rubbed.
In that moment I was reminded of two things. The first is kids as young as two years old are picking up on subtle differences and our opinion of these differences. The second is...
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Exciting News!

To this day, I refuse to buy a Kindle. It would be ridiculously convenient to use that fancy little e-reader while traveling with six kids, but its never happening.

There’s something special, even magical, about holding and reading a real book. Whether turning the page feels like a fresh start or the weight of the book just feels like a small treasure that was written just for me, books are powerful.

I’ve always loved books and am excited to tell you that I’m writing a book that you’ll be able to hold in your hot little hands very soon! 

In this book I’ll be sharing all my tips, strategies, coaching exercises and ideas that will help you handle everything from trips to the doctor’s office, to school lunch monitors to body image. The book is full of additional resources and is the guide I wish I had when my kids were born about how to handle and what to say about all things food and body.

What should you say and not say...

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What Frog Hunting and Dieting Have in Common

My son ran towards me with an enormous, squirmy frog dangling from his hand. 

“Finally!” he shouted. It had been over an hour of searching before he caught this elusive Spring Peeper. 

I ran towards him to see the evidence because minutes earlier I had given up the search and started walking home. 

We live near a wooded area with several small ponds (aka vernal pools) which are a hot magnet for Spring Peepers. The sound of these nocturnal creatures rivals a gorgeous orchestra and makes you feel like you're in the middle of the rainforest. It’s a true sign of New England Spring when this evening melody fills the air. 

We'd been listening to this critter chorus for a few nights and our draw to hunt for these frogs felt like following a siren song. We simply had to go!

Yesterday late afternoon when the orchestra started tuning up, we donned our rain boots and jackets and headed toward the music. 

We searched the pond edges, nothing. 


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How 45 minutes in my driveway changed my life.

anti diet Mar 28, 2022

Saturday morning basketball set the scene that would change my life forever. 

Let me first back up a little bit though. 

With six kids, I spend a LOT of time in my car. Two different schools, baby/toddler classes, soccer, dance, basketball, ninja class, playdates, birthday parties, and the list goes on and on. Needless to say, my car is a mess. Not just like a few things here and there mess, more like unidentified and moldy objects (don't judge) mess. Broken masks, granola bar pieces, broken barrettes, goldfish, empty water bottles, pacifiers, scattered toys, and lots of wrappers to name just a few offenders. 

As I sat next to my friend talking about my Saturday plans, I casually suggested I was going to get the kids to help me clean out the car. Spring is here and I was feeling the need to clean out the cobwebs stat. The kids were less than thrilled, but the idea of a clean car had me excited. 

She grabbed my arm with wide eyes and said, "Wait, don't do it....

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Turtle Time

acceptance allowance Mar 21, 2022

Fresh off the island yesterday, we ended up with a 52 count on turtles we saw last week. 

While vacuuming way too much sand out of empty suitcases this morning, I was thinking about these turtles. 


Not rushed. 

Not afraid to hide when startled.  

Especially like to emerge after the rain. 

Love to eat fresh flowers. 

I wonder if we double counted some turtles, because, these babies are slow. But they do get places, because we never saw a turtle in the same spot every day. 

As you welcome Spring today, maybe you want to be more like the turtle, slow and on island time. No rush. Or maybe the last two years of the pandemic have felt like turtle time and you’re ready to toss your shell. 

Either way, know that you’re moving places, even if it feels like you’re standing still on turtle/island time. 

Rest assured things are happening inside your shell. 

If you need help emerging from...

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Big T or little t?

acceptance anti diet trauma Mar 14, 2022

I sat cuddled up with my daughter reading the ear worm of a book, Dr. Seuss's ABC's. Every page begins with Big A, little a (going through each letter of the alphabet) what begins with A? This question is followed by some ridiculous string of things that start with that particular letter. When we got to Big T, little t, what begins with T? Ten tired turtles on a tuttle tuttle tree, I started thinking about another meaning for Big T, little t which is the T that stands for trauma. 

Trauma is hard to ignore these days. The unspoken, and sometimes spoken, traumas that we all carry and have experienced over the last two years are very real and seem to be growing. The unthinkable trauma that the people of Ukraine are facing, the trauma related to an ongoing pandemic, the trauma from our past and even the trauma that years of dieting does to your body are just a handful of the traumas you and I have endured. 

What do we do with our Big and little T’s? Do we ignore...

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